Exercises (documentation lesson)

Before you start

  • Discuss the exercise idea with the classroom.
  • Distribute exercises among groups of 2-3 persons.
  • Open a GitHub issue and inform the community about the problem and how you plan to solve it. Discuss why we do this.
  • Fork this project.
  • Commit to your fork. In your commit message auto-close the issue you have addressed.
  • Submit a pull request.
  • We then review the pull requests.
  • After the pull requests are merged we verify that documentation updates itself.


  • Document the purpose of this example code.
  • Document how to clone the code.
  • Describe the project tree structure.
  • Write a sentence or two about Zipf’s law and link to Wikipedia (coordinate with the group working on the previous exercise).
  • Document how to check the code style with pycodestyle.
  • Give other developers hints on how they can contribute to the documentation.
  • Document how to build the documentation locally (coordinate with the group working on the previous exercise).
  • Add an example output.
  • Add an example plot (coordinate with the group working on the previous exercise).
  • Document where/how to ask for help.
  • Add a math equation somewhere.


  • Add a test and document how to run it.
  • Add the possibility to auto-document Python code.


  • Add new exercises ideas for future workshops (edit this file).